Tara L Packham, OTReg(Ont), PhD

Dr. Tara Packham, OTReg.(Ont.), PhD is an occupational therapist, researcher and educator in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.  She has over 25 years of clinical experience in hand therapy, and a passion for advancing care of painful hand conditions. Her research addresses clinical measurement and moving evidence into practice, often at the intersection of the topic areas of pain and upper extremity disorders. She has contributed to over 80 peer reviewed publications and several book chapters.  Tara is an active member of the Canadian Society of Hand Therapists and an officer of the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome special interest group at the International Association for the Study of Pain.  She is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief at Hand Therapy and as an editorial board member for the Journal of Hand Therapy.
