Nikos Thomacos, PhD

Nikos Thomacos

I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University, and am the Program Manager for the undergraduate psychology program, with over 1,700 students currently enrolled. I'm currently supervising seven PhD students and maintain an adjunct role at Monash University. Aside from my work as an academic, I have also developed, delivered, and evaluated metal health, health promotion, health communication and literacy, and community and population health programs and training and development for a range of academic, government, industry, and community audiences. Additionally, in the various roles I have held, I have developed, implemented, and evaluated policy and programs and initiatives across a range of settings and sectors (e.g., heath, community services, justice, employment, etc.). My current areas of research interest are: Supportive relationships across the lifespan; Loneliness and solitude; Mental health in marginalised populations; Life post traumatic injury; Unemployment; Self-regulation; Middle age; Transition to retirement; and, Psychometric analysis.
